Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dear blogger,

I am very sorry, but I have left you for another site. You were very good to me while it lasted, but you stopped posting my pictures and I need a reliably site! I'm very sorry, but Tumblr is way better than you!

I'm very sorry, Michaela. =]

P.S if you need my Tumblr URL just ask me! =] See ya later

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Just an update.

Hey all,

It's been a long time since I last posted, I know. I've just been trying to figure out why the pic uploader is being so weird. I still don't know why. If any of you guys know please tell me! It's been killing me not being able to post new pictures.

For the last little while I've been in the phase of drawing and graphic designing, my new dream job! I'm not quite sure if my vet plan will work out as I wanted, but oh well. Latly, in my school art classes, I've been doing some really cool projects! We've gotten to draw feet, peacock feathers, funny line drawings and tons of practice doodles in my sketchbook!And to my surprise, I'm actually getting better at drawing! hahaha.

As you all know, Halloween has just passed and there are hundreds of candy crazed people out there. For the holiday I was a gypsy. It was cool, not my favourite costume, but oh well. I went trick or treating with one of my best friends Taty and we had a blast! We got so much candy and I swear that my candy will last me for five years! lol

So, now it's your turn. What's new with you? I want to know! Oh! And don't forget! If you need anything designed or something like that. ASK ME!!!!!! I need the practice! lol Ok then, see you all later! =]

"Design is just intelligence made visible."
~Alina Wheeler